What is redio Frequency Treatment?

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Radiofrequency (RF) therapy, also called radiofrequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin.
The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen.
​​​​​​​RF therapy has been used since 2001 to fight against sagging skin and signs of aging.

How Redio Frequency works on skin tightening?

Thermalift was the first type of RF available for skin tightening, but now many companies offer similar technology.
Each type of technology works the same way. RF waves heat the deep layer of your skin to between 122 and 167°F (50–75°C).
Studies have found that maintaining a temperature over 115°F (46°C) for over 3 minutes causes your body to release heat-shock proteins. These proteins stimulate your body to create new collagen fibers.
The procedure normally takes less than an hour and should be nearly painless.

People who don’t want the extra expense, pain or recovery time of cosmetic surgeries may choose radio frequency skin tightening. The procedure:
  • Improves skin tone, texture and firmness.
  • Minimizes the appearance of sun damage.
  • Provides a more youthful appearance.
  • Reduces the effects of aging skin like wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin.

Who gets radio frequency (RF) skin tightening?

Radio Frequency skin tightening 

RF skin tightening is usually considered safe when performed by a professional and experienced surgeon.
If the procedure is incorrectly performed, it’s possible to get burned.
The most common side effects include:
  • temporary swelling
  • redness
  • tingling
People with darker skin are at a higher risk of side effects from laser and RF treatments.
The form of RF radiation used during this procedure is similar to the type of radiation emitted from other common household devices like cell phones or WiFi.

What makes Rokh beauty clinic specific in Radio Frequency skin tightening?

  • under the supervision of highly-experienced professionals
  • using the safest and latest released technology
  • Providing a treatment tailored to your body's needs